poisonwood's Diaryland Diary

Date: Aug. 03, 2007 . Time: 8:32 a.m.

a rational woman? unlikely Entry:


a rational woman? unlikely

CNN has an interesting article on anger in the workplace today. Here are some quotes:

She conducted three tests in which men and women recruited randomly watched videos of a job interview and were asked to rate the applicant's status and assign them a salary.

In the first, the scripts were identical except where the candidate described feeling either angry or sad about losing an account due to a colleague's late arrival at a meeting.

Participants conferred the most status on the man who said he was angry, the second most on the woman who said she was sad, slightly less on the man who said he was sad, and least of all by a sizable margin on the woman who said she was angry.


The average salary assigned to the angry man was almost $38,000 compared to about $23,500 for the angry woman and in the region of $30,000 for the other two candidates.

In a second experiment, the script was similar except that the job applicant also described his or her current occupation as a trainee or a senior executive.

"Participants rated the angry female CEO as significantly less competent than all of the other targets, including even the angry female trainee," Brescoll wrote. She said they viewed angry females as significantly more "out of control."

That impacted salaries. Unemotional women were assigned on average $55,384 compared to $32,902 for the angry ones. Male executive candidates were assigned more than trainees, regardless of anger, with an average $73,643.

Obviously, the only recommendation you can make from this is, if you are a man, use anger carefully and it can help you. If you are a woman, never show anger. Don't even mention being angry.

And. Raise your children to not be sexist, please.

Nevertheless, I found CNN's final recommendation amusing:

Brescoll said the findings revealed a "difficult paradox" for professional women -- while anger can serve as a powerful tool to achieve status at work, women may have to behave calmly in order to be seen as rational.

8:32 a.m. - Aug. 03, 2007


true colors?

Why is it that so many American politicans feel it is OK to unilaterally invade other countries? Based on these comments by Obama, which I heard on the radio with my own two ears in his own voice, I could not possibly vote for this candidate. Unilateral action. That's what we did in Iraq as well, and look where it got us.

Of course, it's easy to say we never should have invaded Iraq at this point. All the Democratic candidates say it. Many of the Republicans say it. So what? What's done is done. Let's not repeat the mistake. What better way to alienate Pakistan, a large Muslim nation with the atomic bomb, than to drop bombs on them, albeit in regions known to be occupied by terrorists? Everyone knows about the terrorists.

However, bombing Pakistan without its permission would be an excellent way to breed more terrorists. Ridiculous.

10:32 p.m. - Aug. 01, 2007


load of bricks

What a weekend. There's nothing like a *cancelled* wedding to make you step back and think about things. San Fran*cisco, incidentally, is amazing city. From a distance, I think Van*couver is the most beautiful (large) city I've seen. Up close and personal, San Fran is probably the winner. I love the houses. I love the mountains right in the middle of things.

I'm exhausted after travelling all weekend, and work hit me today like a load of bricks.

6:02 p.m. - Jul. 30, 2007


plunging neckline my foot

Apparently, I was not the only one who found the article on Clinton's neckline absurd. Apparently, Clinton herself agreed. As I said before, I'm disappointed in the Post, normally my favorite paper.

3:16 p.m. - Jul. 27, 2007



The LA Times has a lot of detail on the tragedy. The numbers are very small. I realize that your average American probably doesn't really care. Why would they? Many more than 3 people die for all kinds of reasons every day. For me, though, it hits close to home. Clearly, they *were* doing something unsafe. However, it's too early to tell whether they violated established safety practices or if there is even a gray area, or if this was very bad luck. Was there pressurization involved? My knowledge of nit*rous oxi*de ends with wikipedia.

8:43 a.m. - Jul. 27, 2007



Explosion at scaled? It seems likely. Whether it is or not, it brings home that this is a dangerous business.


5:38 p.m. - Jul. 26, 2007


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